It happens every once in awhile to my chagrin
Hi David;
About 1 in 20 times, sometimes more frequently, I have a frustrating occurance between bar 12 and 13 in Walk With Me, specifically going from the 3+ to 4. What occurs occaisionally is that coming from the 3+, my tongue wants to switch to the right to play 1 draw. I have no idea in hell why this is. It's very annoying. I have isolated the 2 bars and played it correctly countless times, but every once in awhile my tongue wants to switch to the right and play the 1 draw. I have even gone just between 3 blow and 4 draw to where I'm almost doing a trill. But even then about every 5th time my tongue goes to the 1 draw. When I get to that part in the song I concentrate on feeling my tongue at the left corner of my mouth and the feel of my tongue on the face of the comb, feeling the holes. It happens less frequently than when it first occurred but every so often it happens. Is it just a matter now of more correctly played reps with a laser like focus on my tongue poaition? And why would I have this little problem in the first place? I have no such problem in other parts of the song. Tried doing 3+ to 4 trills at a moderate tempo, and about every 5-6 times, it wants to play 1 draw. Is my tongue telling me to improvise at that place;o)
I have seen this before, but it's rare and goes away quickly. Though discouraging, it will go away, so keep your spirits up!
Hello mainmark. That sounds like an acceptable fix for now, so go for it.
Another option...
Open your mouth more to begin with... have it over holes 2, 1, and some wood to the left. This way when sliding to hole 4, your tongue is already covering 1. I know this doesn't fix your issue of the tongue from wanting to dart to the right, but give it a try... your tongue might do well with keeping to one size the entire time (this is what I teach in the beginning lessons).
Glad to hear. Here they are...
Playing Single Notes (Tongue Blocking)
Chorus 2 - “Walk with Me” Study Song
Lesson 1 – The Importance of Playing Softly
Lesson 1 – Putting the Harmonica in Your Mouth
Lesson 1 – Tongue Block Study 1: Tongue Block Single Note
Lesson 2 – Tongue Block Study 1: Single Note, Slap and Flutter Review
Lesson 2 – Tongue Block Study 1: Playing Hole 1
Lesson 2 – Tongue Block Study 1: Walk With Me, Chorus 2 and Playing Hole 1
It could be coming from your diaphragm. Focus on the throat, the vibrato (down the road) is dependent on it.
Sure, happy to help.
Hello mainmark. Very strange. I'm sorry for the issue, but it's just a quirky thing for you... it will go away with time thankfully.