It's Working
Just wanted to share this: At our Sunday jam yesterday, I decide to bite the bullet and said I'd take the vocals for the first song in the set. Followed the steps from David's Performance Training (had a head start at the Masterclass weekend) and it worked perfectly!!!
It was interesting to experience how the other players looked to the vocalist as 'leader', understood the instructions and jumped right in. Usually I'm the one following so I knew how important it was to be clear. OK, so it wasn't a toughie - Big Boss Man, in E, straight 4 with back beat and from the one - counted in, played harp for the first 12 bars, sang 2 verses, took a solo 12, nodded to the guitar for solo, called the keyboard for a solo and then sang the last verse and hand signalled the ending. The smiles from the more experienced players was worth every bit of "butt puckering".
Thanks David for the daily tips and the performance training stuff!!! It does work.
It's fun to watch you progress on this site. You seem to be really moving forward fast.
BTW, that "butt-puckering" thing - it's like a drug.