IV7 Chord - - F note
I am currently on LOA 3, so you may explain this in future lessons.
Regarding playing though the chords (I7 = G,B,D ,F, IV7 = C,E,G,Bb, V7 – D,F#, A , C ) .
I use the sound track ‘ I want you with me ‘….When I play on the I7 chord….I do not feel it sounds
Correct when I play an F. Is it just me ?
( I know for the LOA 3 you do not have us Flatting the 7th, and I won’t flatten the 7 th when I
submit it, but I was just playing around with a concept you had said we should memorize).
Thank you for your time
Steven Barta
You're correct Steven. The band is playing light, so the flat-7th (F) is not present most of the time. Try using it on Bar 4, this will help to lead to the IV Chord in Bar 5. This is a good example of being technically correct (flat-7ths are used a lot in blues), but not appropriate for this song.
Try flat-7ths on The Strut, bending study 3 (http://www.bluesharmonica.com/lessons/bending_study_level_3), with the jam track and a D Harmonica. The band is playing the flat-7th, so it will sound good.