Jam Set Stuff
Hey David - great series (as always) by Mark on Bandstand stuff! I was wondereing if along with all your other great plans, there was anything planned for those of us who live for jams. I'm not in a band, don't have immediate plans to join a band and therefore attend as many local jams as I can. Playing with a band, you get a chance to play instrumentals for several choruses, but in a jam, you usually comp and then get a 12 bar, or if lucky 24 bar solo. I know you have "I'm playing all night" tattooed on your finger ;-) but when you only get a short solo, how would you approach this.
Any chance of a series like Mark's Bandstand series for 'jammers' by someone like Aki who hosts jams? Something that would cover fronting a jam set (if you do vocals), fronting with an instrumental, jam set protocols, being a sideman in a jam set, etc. These are just examples off the top of my head. I don't know how much interest there would be for something like this and I know there are applicable nuggets thoughout the lessons and contributor series but watching Mark's videos, I thought "man, would I lieksomething like this for jamming all in one place.
Thanks for all you do
Sounds like a good idea. Once I finish the accompaniment lessons I'll look into that.
P.S., I'm dialing in the details right now of a 20th Anniversary Harmonica Masterclass Workshop in San Jose for 2014... most likely April... put it on your calendar (more details to come).