Ka articulation on No Sweat
Mon, 08/10/2015 - 15:49
You say to use the KA articulation when starting the lessons on hole 1. is the KA to be used on all notes?
Also, should i slap the 2 hole notes both draw and blow? using the 12 hole chromatic the blow sounds ok but the draw is kind of week sounding when slapped. This could be the harps reed set up though.
Good evening Mark.
I generally slap everything from hole 2 and above... this is the common way to play a single note as a blues guy... UNLESS you want to sound pretty (which does happen sometimes), but in this case, yes, slap. If a lick is too fast, then pick which notes make sense to slap.
I recommend KA for the 1 draws in this opening chorus... this helps the notes to speak better. Keep your embouchure open (and tongue down) so that the reed doesn't stall.