Kongsheng Lyra
Hello Kinya!
I saw a post where you try some windsavers on the Lyra.I would love to know your thoughts and opinions about the Kongsheng Lyra.
And some pictures if possible, I cant find any trusted review on the web.
Hello Aragon92, here are the photos you had requested of the exposed KongSheng SC-12 48 reed Chromatic Harmonica
You will recognize this as my demonstration model for the Forum I did, removing KongSheng Wind Savers and replacing with Seydel, Hohner and Makowski
The stand-off supports for the opening of the cover plates are brilliant
I like to be able to service the reed plates without having to remove the slider assembly and vise versa. Notice the excellent machining on this comb. Everything fits perfect.
Nothing extraordinary about the slider spring, but after I sanded “flat” the mating surfaces of the slider mechanism, the smoothness of the slider became one of this harmonica’s best features
The tolerances of the mouthpiece assembly, comb and reed plates are top notch.
Your Harpsmith, Kinya
Hey Aragon92, be certain to balance the scales of commerce by purchasing a Hohner product as well ;o)
Your Harpsmith, Kinya
Hi Aragon, I carry two chromatic harmonicas to my gigs; (1) the "never let you down" Hohner CX12 Jazz and (2) the KongSheng Lyra SC12. The overall fit & finish of the SC12 is remarkable; although I did sand down the mating surfaces of the slider mechanism a tad, and I'm not a fan of the stock windsavers--hence the genesis of the article you saw. The weight, playability and tone are heavenly.
Check back with this space and I will include some pic-shots for you.
Your Harpsmith, Kinya