L4 Improvising
Dear teacher
I have start my first improvising lesson 4 and I have a lot of fun. From lesson 1 to this point, each time I learn a song, I count in my head and I use my foot. I play 2-3 notes count 3 beats play another note count an half beat. I really want to copy the song. But !! when you improvise, do you count when you fill the form? It is more intuitive ?
Thank you
You are correct, this is how all improvising musicians do it. We have an awareness of where we are within the form, so we do not need to count. It's just like you driving around your home town. You don't need to look at the street signs, you just know where to turn to get to where you're going.
You are developing those licks now... they are in your study songs. The more study songs your learn and memorize, the more licks you'll have as an improvisor available to you. Don't worry about how many, your natural progression as a player is to study, giving you more and more to play when you improvise. V-IV-I Licks (mentioned just as V Chord lick in the lesson with Gary) tend to be more challenging licks, and hard to come by real good ones, for this reason Gary and I speak about them, I try to put real cool ones in the study songs and there is an entire lesson devoted to them (Improvising Study 4).
Hello Mr Bourgeois. When we improvise we do not count, it is more intuitive. We have already learned the licks in the past (from study songs) and are very familiar with the twelve bar blues. At first you'll work things out, as you learn in the improving lessons... using the chorus form process... but as time goes on your licks will flow out of you. The flowing part takes a lot of time, so be patient.