Lazy Lester; Blues Stop Knockin at my Door
Mon, 06/08/2015 - 18:07
Aloha David,
If you're familiar with this song, what would your speech be to the band and how would you start and end it ,as leader?
I am enjoying working with the site and appreciate your hard work on our behalf! BTW, when is the next big MASTERCLASS? Joining you is at the top of my bucket list!
Many Thanks,
Thank you Sandy, I'm glad you're enjoying your lessons. Being that this is not a 12 bar blues, you'll not want to do this at a jam, unless of course they know the song (which is doubtful). With your band they'll simply listen to the song, but to answer your question, they'll start from the V (there's two bars of the V and then two bars of the I, which is not uncommon in early rock, to not go V IV I Turnaround, but do V V I I). The ending is what we call a "tag" there you play from the V three times.
P.S., I'm no longer holding Harmonica Masterclass Workshops (you guys keep me busy here :-), but we can work together at SPAH ( and the Harmonica Masters Workshops in Germany