Learning strategy
Hi David,
I'm learning The Strut (level 4) and my intonation of 3" in the 5th measure of the 4th chorus is still quite erratic. Sometimes I get it well, sometimes really bad. Otherwise I can play this lick quite OK. Should I wait and practice this particular note untill it's perfect, or should I continue with the song and practice this part while learning next licks?
Although I gave The Strut as an example, this is a general question: To practice every sigle part to perfection and then continue, or learn the whole song imperfectly first and then focus on errors. So far I preferred the former, but I'm not shure, if it is the best way.
Thank you
Hello Marek.
Yes, "continue with the song and practice this part while learning next licks."
It is better to, "learn the whole song imperfectly first and then focus on errors," though the real answer lies in-between those. As you work on each chorus, after a while, you'll be able to play most of it well (~90% well) and some licks like 70% well. This is a good point to move on, but each practice sit down and work the licks 5 to 10 times that are at 70% and then play the entire chorus a couple of times. Move on.
The idea is that the last 10% and 30% will mature over time... your mind and body will pick them up over time. This way you can work on new material as the other material soaks in.