
The backing track is one of Jimi Lee's Groovetrax.
I thought about textures and changes in rhythm more than focus notes for this one.
Chorus 1 & 2: Head (based on the 3' - 3 lick in the Little Walter study song, but with a zig-zaggy rhythm)
Chorus 3: AAB - thought I'd get the speedy bit out of the way early - it'd be too frustrating mucking it up at the end of the track!
Chorus 4: More or less AAA, but with variations; texture - bends
Chorus 5: AB/AC: focussed on long notes to give me chance to breathe
Chrous 6: rhythmic chorus, focussing on the 2 draw; pretty much completely ripped off from a Steve Guyger track
Chorus 7: ABC: the 'A and B' are from George Smith's Astatic Stomp - I can't get close to his cool swoop from 3' down to 3'' and back to 3' though - and the guitar's a bit too active here!
Chorus 8: AAB: roughly based on Little Walter's 'I Can't Hold Out Much Longer' but with a straighter rhythm
Chorus 9: Pretty much AAA with variations and sequenced; trying to calm things down with a light, descending pattern
Chorus 10: AAB octave sequence
Chorus 11: ABC - focus on bluesy bends
Chrous 12: head
Gary, Mark, Dave - thanks for the feedback. I'll definitely work on the suggestions. Great competition again!
Gary Smith Judging
good cup-sound... interesting textures... rocks pretty good
Wow-there's alot of really
Wow-there's alot of really good players out there! Nice relaxed feel plus some nice note punching. Seemed like the ending caught you by suprise. I really like the head. The third verse started a little shaky but a good recovery. You sound like you know what you're doing. I like the Rocker tribute in the middle. Nice variation when you go you four chord with same type riff. Very nice amplified playing here!
David Barrett Judging
Here we go!
CH1 - Nice 3' 3 lick / great 3" 3' for the IV and 3 4+ for the V... mature phrasing
CH2 - Head repeats
CH3 - Nice use of space at the end
CH4 - Nice horn 2 2" / liked the shake
CH5 - Nice long tones on 1 and 3'4' shake
CH6 - Nice root note vamping
CH7 - Hip licks here
CH8 - Cool textures... you could have played louder here
CH9 - Playing seems a little understated here...
CH10 - Now you're building... nice textures
CH11 - A good 'ol butt-kicking 4/5 held for a one time here would have been nice
CH12 - Nice shake variation on the head / Nice 3" at end
Well played... I felt you could have brought the heat up in chorus 8 and beyond, but that's no doubt a stylistic choice... not all songs have to have a climax. Thanks for submitting!
Great tone
Really good job. You have a great tone. I liked the dynamics, rhythm, ideas, everything!
Well done Jon, great playing.
Great Job!
Gotta love that tone, and the laid-back but driving lines are right on!
Excellent work!
You've definitely captured the swing groove here JC. Nothing rushed, great tone and use of bends throughout. Good job, as always!
Like it!!
Well done Jon - solid tone and break up with swinging melody lines. Chorus forms well established. Really liked the way you handled those tricky licks!! each chorus sounds new yet they definitely hang together!!
Great as usual! Tone, phrasing, ideas! Like it alot!
Well done !!!
Very cool intro Jon sounds great, I like the long notes in chorus 5, and the Little Walter & George Smith ch's 7 & 8, well done.