Lesson 3 Blues Creepin bar 11
Dear teacher
After learning accompaniment 3, I try to analize previous songs chords notes. Everything match but when I arrive to Blues Creepin something is different. Bar 11 of verse 1-2-and solo is I-IV. Not verse 3
I understand you start with a note of Chord 1 and pass over Chords 4 whit 1 or 2 notes.
this new 12 bars structure only arrive whit blues brake song?
Can we say its a more longuer turnaround?
Why tha last verse 3 dont have (IV) notation inside bar 11?
thank you
I don't have a specific example for you, but yes, it did happen. Many of the old recordings of the blues were not rehearsed before they recorded and sometimes one musician would do one type of turnaround and the other do a different one... they commonly would match the next verse though. Today it's uncommon to do... it stays one way throughout the song.
Hello Mr Bourgeois. It is a good idea to analyze your past and current study songs, well done to think to do this. The use of I IV I V in Bars 11 and 12 is a common variation of a turnaround. This is commonly used in a slow blues. In regards to Verse 3, it's because the song ends in Verse 3... it's no longer a turnaround. The job of a turnaround is to bring you back to another verse, but in this case the song is ending, so it just stays on the I chord (the chord of resolution).