lesson pdf file listing
How do I get a full listing of the pdf file listing of all the lessons notes from the menu?
Your assistance is appreciated.
I can only get individual lesson from the individual level. Is there a master listing?
Thank you
Hi David,
So much I did not know earlier about the technique of playing the Harmonica (47 years of age now and having a go at it again). While i Plan to practise the blow and draw technique you have instructed & yes the right way to hold the harmoinca also, I have a C harmonica while i see that you suggest the initial lessons to be done on A. Any alternative for me to continue on the C harmonica untill i get the A? I have just finished viewing the vidieo's on the yellow tab lessons and will plan to start on the learning from today.
Sure, you can get started here http://www.bluesharmonica.com/lessons/c_harmonica_intro_lesson while you're waiting for your A in the mail.
Hello kstay. I don't provide a page like this to prevent someone from paying for one month and scraping the website of all it's downloadable material.