Lessons vs LoA
Thu, 08/31/2017 - 10:02
Hello there ! First of all id like to say that i apprecieting this site so much even when i am little bit confused about it. The main thing id like to know is that whats the difference between classic lessons and LoA, its okey that i ve started with level of achievements and not lessons ? Ps i am not realy beginer but i came here to get better. Thank you so much for answer and have a good day.
Hello Wester, welcome to the site. LOA is simply a lesson plan. You can study anything, at any time, but if you would like to follow a more formal approach, that is what LOA is about. If you "participate" in it, it means that you take official tests with me and when you complete each test, a pin is sent to you and you are recognized for your achievement on the site.