level 3 Solo harmonica level 2 : Ex. 2.5
Sun, 02/04/2024 - 04:53
Hello David,
Where can I find a recording of ex 2.5 from level 3 Solo harmonica level 2 ? In section 2 bass lines, Mark Hummels #1 Tip of the month.
You don't mention it in the video lesson, I have been searching in other levels but to no avail. It would be helpfull to hear how it is supposed to sound, or is this a test if we can find out for ourselves? ;-)
Els Rensink
Sorry for the issue Els. Mark Hummel used to be a contributor on the site long, long ago. That section of the website is gone, but I forgot to take that example from the lesson. Please ignore that example. Sorry for the hassle.