Level 4 Test Chorus Forms
Mon, 07/02/2018 - 12:45
David - looking ahead at test material required for Level 4 under Chorus Forms it says to take a lick and play along with the jam track to all 5 chorus forms. So are the 5 chorus forms AAA, AAA w/fills, AAB, AAB w/fills and ABAC? What about after AAA the 2 bar version and the 1 bar versions and the same on the AAB - then 2 bar version and the 1 bar version. Then all of that w/fills. That would make a whole bunch of chorus forms - Am I making this more difficulet than it is?
Hello lhobdey. You are correct, just one "AAA, AAA w/fills, AAB, AAB w/fills and ABAC" and you get to choose which repetition scheme works best for your lick.