Line out versus mic the amp
Tue, 06/21/2016 - 16:55
I am managing the musical entertainment for an outdoor festival at work. One responsibility is working with the sound guy we have hired to provide audio. In addition to hosting the show I will also be playing a few tunes. I will be bringing my Fender Super Champ X2 with a wireless Ulitmate SM57 mic. I am used to having my amp mic to the PA. However the sound guy prefers to use the line out function. I have never used it and do not know what it will sound like. Any recommendations or things to watch for.
Hello Brian- Good question! The line-out has the advantage of consistency and ease of set-up, but a careful micing job can sound even better. Notice I said a careful micing job, which takes some time and experience to set up properly for each instrument. That said, I would strongly suggest doing it the way the sound guy wants in the interest of gig harmony. Believe me, what the audience will notice is your playing and over-all groovy demeanor, not whether you are using a line-out or mic on the amp. Show up early, bring the sound guy his favorite beverage, and maybe he'll let you practice with his set-up a little before the show.
Skip Simmons