On line subscription vs book
hello Dave
My free subscription is about to expire in a few hours.
I m currently on Level 2. I m interested to continue to learn
with you. I m not sure the contents in you books published by Mel Bay
are up to date and easy to follow.
Your instructional videos on line are awesome and I refer to your videos a lot to
guide me along. I am retire and I need to save $ by buying hard copy books you published.
Instead of paying for subscriptions
i had bought 3 Horner crossovers C, G and A. I understand the other 2 coupons that came with
each harp for free lesson cannot be used to for free subscriptions as a past subscriber.
please advise best route to take. And where is best place to buy your books? I live in Colorado
Alan Tay
Hello Alan. I'm glad you're enjoying your studies on the site. The newest material I've written is the school of the blues lesson series, published by Mel Bay publications. Give this a try. The website has a lot of material for the $, so if you find yourself practicing a lot, the website is the way to go.