List of keys of harmonicas needed during the whole course of this site.
Okay, so apparantly I was quiet free and was surfing through all the lessons this wonderful site has to offer, and I ended up making a list of all the lessons and the keys needed in those lessons. Turns out, you can go through first three levels with just a harp in Key A! I'm sharing the list here, I've tried my best to be precise. It only includes the lessons available in "Levels of Achievement" tab on the top of website. Contributers' lessons are not included. Hope this helps at least one person!
P.S. "C-C" means Chromatic Harmonica in Key C
"-" means no harmonica is needed in that lesson.
Those things we do...
I just want to point out that a G harp is used for the Solo harmonica lessons.
Thats an impressive compilation.
The fun, and motivating factor for me, was completeling a level and checking out the artist study earned, or the next level, and rewarding myself with that key.