Mon, 12/21/2015 - 12:18
I am about to learn the study song "Blues for Paul deLay" which is played on a low F harmonica. But I have a hard time finding a low f harmonica. The Hohner Thunderbird seems nice but also quite expensive, is it worth its price (around 100$ here)?. I like Hohner Marine Band Deluxe, but it seems like the low f isn't sold anymore? Any advices? I'm not so fond of the Lee Oskars I got.
Hello Carl. The Thunderbird Low-F is a Crossover with changes to make it play better in the lower range. The covers are taller (making it less likely for the reeds to hit) and some of the lower reeds are different (I was told the profiles are different) to make them more robust sounding and longer lasting. Joe Filisko used to use modified Marine Bands, but now when replacing his harps he uses Thunderbirds. You can of course use any model you wish, but I personally like these.