LOA 3 - Accompaniment Study 3
Wed, 05/22/2024 - 07:11
I'm working on LOA 3 right now and I'm not sure what exactly do I need to submit for accompaniment study.
Do I record myself playing 12 bar blues 6 times, once for every hole?
Sat, 05/25/2024 - 06:25
Hello DamianMan. Check the
Hello DamianMan. Check the file size of what you're sending... if it's over 10mg it will time out. If you need to, you can submit just the PDF in the testing form and complete the process, then email me the audio files files.
Hello Damian. You're correct, record yourself playing 12 bar blues 6 times, once for every hole. If a note from the chord is not available on a given hole, move up or down a hole, then go back.