LOA 3 - Bending study level 2
Dave I know I have to get the harp ninja to learn bending, but Im having difficulty visualizing what I should be doing to bend notes, particularly with the tongue blocking technique. Its seems easier to bend a note with the pucker technique versus the tongue blocking technique. If you are tongue blocking how do you move your tongue to create the bend.
Say E (like Key) or U (like Koo)... each time you say this, the front of your tongue does not move, yet the middle (E) or back (U) raises and almost touches the roof of the mouth. It's same idea with bending on the harmonica... the front of your tongue is tongue blocking and the middle or back (depending on the bend) raises for the bend.
Great, glad to hear. Thanks for your kind words, I figure anything that can be done to show the mystery of bending is time well spent.
Hello Baruch. The principles for bending are the same for all embouchures... you're tuning your mouth to the pitch you're trying to create on the harmonica. This is achieved by humping your tongue in the appropriate place in your mouth. Generally speaking... high bends (6 draw for example) you raise the front of your tongue far forward in your mouth... mid bends (4') you raise more of the middle of your tongue in the middle of your mouth... and low bends you raise the band of your tongue in the back of your mouth. For a range of bend (going from 3' to 3''' for example) you will allow the constriction point created from raising your tongue raised to the roof of your mouth to move back in a wave-like motion, creating an increasingly larger frontal chamber in your mouth.
Take a look at this lesson http://www.bluesharmonica.com/lessons/bending_study_level_1
and this paper on the science of bending https://www.bluesharmonica.com/sites/bluesharmonica.com/files/mri_bendin...
and this special video footage https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I5kogDrivvQ&feature=youtu.be and https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XojA6RZ0Om8