LOA 3 - One hole exerise
Hi David,
I am a little stuck in the Accompiament Playing section where you want us to play the 12 bar blues (I Want You With Me) and staying on one hole for each of the 12 bar blues, moving up a hole one at a time.
I am sure about hole 5 That hole (in C) has notes E (blow) and F (draw) as options
For I Chord (G) - neither G, B or D are found in hole 5. So move to hole 6 blow for G note?
For IV Chord (C) there is an E note, 5 Blow, so that will work, right?
For V Chord (D) - the notes D, F# and A are not on 5 hole. So my I believe my options are one hole to left, 4 Draw for D, or one hole to right for 6 hole draw, A. If this is correct, I would choose 4 Draw for D
Here is my completed chart. Thank you
Hello kurtmari99. You are correct, "options are one hole to left, 4 Draw for D, or one hole to right for 6 hole draw, A."
Hello kurtmari99. Yes, you're correct, "move to hole 6 blow for G note."
In previous post I meant NOT SURE about 5 hole