longer practice sssions.
Im going back through the lessons on practice that I recently discovered on my main page under new lessons. great stuff. especially the play less listen more concept. that practice just in itself has helped speed accurate learning along.
in mention of length of practice sessions, I see in pratice 1 the serious amature would be an hour/day minimum but now that I'm nearlng retirement and actually playing on the stage at church (I join the piano player in playing the altar sercice songs) I want to begin to transition beyond the 1 hour serious hobbyist things.
my question: how would you structure longer sessions in the 3 to 4 hour land (I want to build up to that) and not violate the 20 minute (aproximate for good foucus) suggestion on any one task? I guess what Im asking in how to combat both burnout and boredom in longer practice sessions?
It's seldom I can set aside more than two hours in any given day, and if I plan it out, e.g., what diffenent things I'm going to work on, taking short breaks, etc., that's no problem. Longer than that? Sometimes the trick is to set aside 30 minutes or so to do something completely different and new. Just for fun. There's certainly no shortage of new stuff a harp player can check out, even if the player is a longtime pro. And sometimes something new and different leads to improvement that can be applied to whatever's on the practice "shopping list" for that week, or month.