looking for Mozzella Moore song
I heard a song a while back by Mozzella Moore, "I'm Goin' To Pack Up My Things" on "Music Down Home: An Introduction" on Pandora Radio. It was just the man and his harp, no guitar or other instruments. Kinda nice. I wrote down the info thinking I would find it later and down load it off of Itunes or Amazon but I cannot find it listed anywhere! Does anyone have any knowledge of the artist, the album or the song?
I am looking for some cool, fun songs to do by myself, just solo, harp and lyrics, as a fill during a band break. Any suggestions of favorites would be very welcome.
Thanks for the help!
Hi, Jon.
The song you're looking for is "I'm Goin' To Pack Up My Things And Back Down That Sunny Road I'm Goin'" by MozellE Moore.
It's on a two-disc set at Amazon.com, called:
Music Down Home: An Introduction to Negro Folk Music, U.S.A.
It's about $26, and there's only one copy in stock at this moment (but some used ones for $17-19).
It's a compilation, with over 30 tunes. Looks interesting.
Michael Pickett does a nice version of Lose Your Money. Its on You Tube. Looking forward to seeing other suggestions. Of course there's alway Bye Bye Bird by Sonny Boy 2 and Jonathon on this site did a great version from the lesson here