Metal Taste on new Suzuki Promaster Hammond
Just purchased a new Promaster Hammond by Suzuki. I didn't realize that a metal comb would cause me to have a metal reaction on my tongue. Any way of getting rid of that acid reaction shy of switching out the comb to plastic? I would guess that would eliminate some of the sound qualities of the Promaster Hammond if I did so?
some people are sensitive to metal on their skin. This could be your case :(. It might just not be the harp for you.
Wow! That is a vrey old post!
If anyone still has that issue - you could apply a thin layer of nail polish on the protruding metal - it will help. Nail polish is harmless once dry.
I have a Suzuki Promaster in C that I've used trying to learn from books without success. When I bought it, I didn't like that taste, but at the same time, I bought a C in all the popular harps (not including the Crossover). I think it was about the time I'd tried each with the Promaster between (because it was always my favorite), that taste was gone.
I have just bought a Promaster in A for these lessons, and as soon as I tried it I tasted that and remembered the C had done that before too.
I'm thinking that taste will go away pretty soon. Also, I can still get through metal detectors at the airport, so it must be ok.
I had a similar thing happen and it was a horrible taste and almost like a magnetic reaction of sorts. With anything metal including silverware. It turned out to be caused by my amalgam tooth fillings I had got as a child. I had to have them all removed and repalced with composite fillings. It solved the issue for me.
I just received a Suzuki Hammond yesterday ( played less then a 1/2 hr ) no metal taste noted.