Mikael Bäckman's "My Bag of Licks" doctoral thesis
I saw Joe Filisko post a picture of this to Facebook this morning, and it seems like something that people could enjoy digging into over the holidays:
Hi everyone. Via Joe Filisko I've had confirmed by Mikael Bäckman that his dissertation is public access. E.g., free to use however anyone wishes. His only request is that if anyone uses any of it in correspondence or publication, that he be credited for the material.
I've never met Mikael Bäckman, and prior to this recent correspondence he hasn't ever met me in any way, but thanks to Joe we once again have another example of the type of community that the harmonica world is. Very cool.
Thanks Keith!
I've been able to download a copy of the dissertation as a PDF, and hope to read it all, perhaps sitting up late looking at my iPad.
There is no copyright reference in it, so I hope it's OK to download directly. I may check with Joe F to see of there are any issues in sharing it.
Bäckman, based at Luleå Tech in Sweden, has info available at https://harpatwork.com/
Amazing stuff.