Minor Details
Fri, 01/24/2025 - 14:53
In this 3rd pos minor study David says of the main lick in bar 2 "this is THE most common 3rd position lick".
He goes through each note and says the 3 draw bend of 3 semitones (Ab) is ALWAYS followed by a 3 blow, before going to the 2 draw.
Physically it feels to me that it would be much easier going from the 3 draw bend straight to the 2 draw to get the same note - what am I missing here?
On the "Minor Details" Dave does say and also has the lick transcribed on the PDF as 3 blow to a 2 draw dip.
When I learned the iconic intro to George Smith's "Telephone Blues" the 3 Blow was used to Release Air although it's not followed by a dip in the phrase.
But the 2 draw and 3 blow are interchangeable and a matter of preference often based on lick speed and breathing pattern of the phrase.
BTW "Telephone Blues" is a must learn 3rd Position Tune in my opinion and it uses the same core lick in the intro.