Moving harmonica with tongue blocking
Wed, 09/21/2016 - 10:57
First of all, thank you for you lessons (and maybe sorry for my english)- they are awesome!
I have studied C Harmonica for couple of months by some webinars. But your lessons are so on another level! So thank you!
My problem: when I'm trying to play with tongue blocking and move harmonica quickly my tongue is usually staying on the same draw. Is that something I missing or this is just something that can be solved by more practicing?
Thank you artematikazan, I'm glad you're enjoying your lessons on the site.
If you're having dificulty moving on the harmonica, then you're pushing your tongue too hard on the face of the harmonica. Use a very light touch. If you need to push your tongue on the harmonica to cover enough holes to achieve a single note, then use more of the top of your tongue, which is wider and more easily covers the amount of holes needed.
Best of luck with this in your practice.