Music Theory 2
Wed, 08/08/2018 - 12:18
In example 1.6 we are to fill in scale degrees based on C major scale in place of pitch names including bends. Some of that would be unknown to me. For example on Hole 1 = 1 Blow would be C Scale degree 1. 1 Draw would be D Scale degree 2. 1 Draw bent 1/2 step would be Db, but what scale degree is that - 1 1/2?? Also I am guessing that on the Whole Step Bend line holes 2 & 3 would be degrees 4 (F) and hole 3 would be degree 6 (A)
David - Never mind! I see now that there are answer sheets for the examples and the answer to my question is easy, just show the bends as 2b, 3b, 5b, etc. I've never seen bends expressed as scale degrees before and it had me going for a moment on how to do that. I don't know how to delete my question above, but wish I could!