Music Theory 2: Modes and Positions
Am I right in thinking that playing in a particular position does not necessarily mean playing in a particular mode?
For example, playing 3rd position lends itself well to playing in Dorian mode, because of the flatted 3rd and 7th. It plays easily. But I could play Dorian mode on other harps, with some difficulty. In 2nd position, I would have to hit certain holes and bends:
C D Eb F G A Bb D
1+ 1 -- 2" 2 3" 3' 4+
4+ 4 -- 5 6+ 6 -- 7+
7+ 8 8+' 9 9+ 10 10+" 10+
These are the holes that would correspond to Dorian in 2nd position. But it's not a good choice, because you're missing the flat 3rd in the low octave and both the flat 3rd and 7th in the middle range. So when people try to play minor in 2nd position, they generally stick to the blues scale, making sure to flatten hole 3 to a 3'. By sticking to blues scale, they wouldn't deviate from what I've written above (but they would still miss some important notes).
It seems that you could use any harmonica to play in any key. And it seems that you could also use any harmonica to play in any mode. But some would be more challenging than others.
Am I right about this? It's easy to overthink this stuff and confuse myself.
Extremely well stated Marc