need a help in exemple 1.1, section 1 chording, solo harmonica study 3
Fri, 07/27/2018 - 17:47
hi, may i please ask a help?
i was trying to play the ex 1.1, solo harmonica study 3, but i cant make the third note ( 4') sounds like it should.
do i need to slap it?
do i start in the bend position or start in a normal 4 draw and then bend to 4'?
do i play it with the same breath of the previous note or i start a new breath?
i have tryed for a few days and i just cant make thar third note ( 4' ) as good as the video/files.
bests regards,
Hello Ivan. There is no special articulation I'm using to play the 4'. It does not start at the natural note (4), it just starts bent. No slap. You may find the "Ku" articulation to help with the bend. I did not use Ku, but you may find it useful.