The nose part in the 3 draw bend
i Have noticed that when I play the 3 draw with my nose open and breathing through my diaphragm and all that
- everything sounds right. When I close my nostrils I cannot produce a natural note on the 3 (also the 2).
While this, in theory, does not bother me it produces a limitation.
When ever I try to play afast lick - for example 3’-3-4-3’-3-4 the nose needs to open and close fast
eniugh for me to choke :)
is it normal? Or am I a freak? :))
a articulation - when tongue blocking I understand I can produce articulation with k’ or just coughing.
Either method produces a muffled sound.
how donyou Duce the clean t’ sound when tongue blocking?
Hello Tomhamagniv. I'm glad you're enjoying your studies. It is the same problem, and here is why...
When your nose is open, the cavity is your mouth and nose summed and creates a large cavity, one that does not offend the 2 and 3 draw reeds. When your nose closes, the cavity is smaller, only that of the mouth, which is causing your reeds to bend (your mouth is tuned to a pitch that the reeds don't like). It doesn't happen on your C harmonica, because those reeds are a different pitch than that of the A harmonica.
The fix is to focus on what I teach in the video I reference above.
You'll get, give it practice and time.
My pleasure, I'm glad it's workin well for you.
Hello Tomhamagniv. It's a fact that those lower draw notes take time for all players to master. They will not sound as good as your 4 draw for a long time, it's just a fact of the instrument. It can take some players a year before they sound the same (others as quick s three months with focused attention). So, you're on the right track, now just give it time.
Hello Tomhamagniv. Answers below...
1) You'll want to always play with your nose closed unless you need it (commonly to open when playing a blow note, to get rid of air). The problem you're experiencing is common, and by going to this page and clicking on "My 2 draw and/or high-end notes sounds flat, airy or not at all!," you can start working on your technique to overcome this.
2) That's correct, K for draw and coughing for blow. What's causing the muffled sound for you is that you're raising your entire tongue (same issue as your 3 and 2 draws) when articulating. Only raise the portion of your tongue needed for the K.
A cough should not have a muffled sound... again, your tongue is raised higher in your mouth than it should for general playing right now. As you get used to keeping your tongue down for playing (the middle and back), all of these issues will be fixed.
My pleasure.