OMG - Just Missed You!
I finally got my feet back on the ground from a global whirlwind over the past couple of months. I open for the first time in a while this weekend, and what do I find?
You were in Trossingen?!?
I was literally down the road from you in Neckartenzlingen for three days the same time you were in Trossingen! JEEZ, I wish I had been checking the website more frequently.
Wow, small world...
Anyway, as long as I have you: I'm having a hell of a time with my inhale tremolo. I just can't get it even and I feel like I run out of breath too quickly doing it. I'm fine with the exhale. Are there any special drills or extra work I can do outside of watching the video for the umpteenth time that will help?
Boy, I'm really sorry I missed you. It would have been a thrill for me to get to buy you a couple of pints.
Bummer... it would have been nice to see you there... and I have been known to drink and beer or two... or three ;-)
Yes, the draw tremolo is a good challenge. Here's what I have for you...
1) Do the blow very slowly, like two every second... feel the vocal chords (cough) open and then close right away
2) Do the same for the draw... slow... and controlled...
3) Slowly speed up the draw over time... but no hurry.