Order of lessons
Hi David, I've recently joined and am loving the site. I'm just polishing up Walk with me in LOA-1 and have been working through the other sections. The theory is fine and getting there with the scales but I'm not sure how far I should be getting through the solo section? I'm happy down to 1.9 but struggling to coordinate my tongue a bit after that at the moment, and the bass lines section mention describe pulls which confused me a bit too. My question is this: the description of the LOA-1 suggests moving on once we can do the first few solo exercises, should I keen trying with the latter exercises or will we come back to them later? I don't want to skip past them if I then won't be able to manage the level 2 solo stuff!
Thanks for your help,
Great question Will. You can visit Tongue Block Study 2.5 to learn how to do pulls now (and later in Tongue Block Study 3) or wait until you get to pulls in your LOA (the one that has "Gary's Blues" as the study song). The lessons are meant to stand alone, not to just be in LOA, so I understand that it's a little confusing at times. Always feel free to ask!