Other music
Im at the stage when I'm trying to learn bending and like most students I'm finding it pretty challenging. So to keep my interest up I'm trying to learn other music as I'm learning to bend. My problem is finding it.Most sites on the Internet for harmonica tabs don't cater for the music I'm looking for. I managed to find long train running on the Internet which I can now play, but looking for other songs that have harmonica solos is more difficult. I've been looking for tabs for Roxcette by dr feelgood but can't find them I've listened to dr feelgood on the Internet and have tried to work out what they are playing but my ear isn't trained enough yet to pick out the notes. How do you go about finding this, do I have to buy sheet music,will it show the harmonica tabs. There are so many songs out there with harmonica solos in, but there doesn't seem to be a site out there where you can get the tabs. as I'm learning I would like to learn these songs to sing and play harmonica at open mike nights. Have you any suggestions how to go about this.Many thanks
Hello Jaguar44. First off, other areas to keep you busy on the site (that doesn't include bending), are...
- Solo Harmonia Study 1
- Solo Harmonica Study 2
- Music Theory (all levels)
- Rhythm Training
- Interviews
- Cupping and hand effects (just skip the playing example)
- Tremolo and Vibrato (skip the playing example)
- Performance Training Lessons
- Improvising Study 1
- Equipment Lessons (All)
There's more, but this should keep you busy!
To answer your question...
Finding transcriptions (harmonica songs that are written out in standard music notation and harmonica tab), other than When The Saint's Go Marching In, and other songs of that sort, is very difficult. Standard sheet music that you would purchase from sheet music websites will not have harmonica tab on them. There are harmonica transcription books (two that I know of), but all the music has a lot of bending. I recommend you use the material on the site, as well as looking into Joe Filisko 's beginner material on his website for sale (filiskostore.com). Like me, he writes music specifically for new players. His tab system is different than mine, but with time you'll get used to it.