Playing Flipped
I was caurious to see if there were any players that played with the numbers down. Found that there are advanced players and some famous that play/played like that. Apparently they grip with the right hand and the low notes are towards the webbing of the right hand. One youtuber claimed that he saw no advantage and just learned without realizaing that there were numbers on the harmonica. Claims William Clarke, Sonny Terry and Paul Butterfield also all played this way.
I'm moderately ambidextrous, tho as a kid I used to be wholly ambi. For example, I can shoot pool with either hand although I am exclusively right eye dominant. Anyway, in approaching any new task I'm generally open to trying it left or right handed. I tried the harp both ways, but didn't see any benefit for me and found not seeing the marked holes to be a detriment. So, I play right handed, but it was a close call.
Lee Sankey