playing with neck holder - mic question
Thanks for putting together this amazing learning system! So I am in a band in which I play rhythm guitar, sing back up vocals, and also play harmonica with a neck holder. I've been running a second mic besides the vocal mic for my harmonica theoretically to have delay and some overdrive. However, I'm finding that I have to run the harmonica mic (an SM57) really hot for it to pick it up enough for me to hear it through my amp, so much so that it is too prone to feedback (I think more from the other band sounds around me, not the harp). I've stopped using an overdrive pedal entirely because that seems to really get the feedback out of control, but it is still a problem.
My bandmate has suggested I just sing and play through the same vocal mic with no effects. I'm inclined to do that because I'd rather not risk the feedback issues. Is this my only option?
Could you tell me what is the standard way of micing your harp when playing with a neck holder? (FYI, I've got a second child on the way, so money is limited.)
And also, if I do just play through one mic, what are the classic things that I should be mindful of to execute that well?
Thank you,
Hello Dave, I'm glad you're enjoying the site.
You're correct, most players sing and play through the same mic. This is easiest, but if you want an amplified sound, there are other options.
First thing... the SM57 is a low-impedance mic... you're using an inline transformer, right? If not, you're sending a low signal (Low-Z) into a device (your FX) that requires a high signal (Hi-Z). If you're not, then this will make a huge difference.
I understand the idea of wanting to have some overdrive and delay on your harp, it's a nice sound. Get rid of the distortion though... distortion = feedback, especially when you're not holding the mic. Try to get the distortion via a bullet-style mic (in a rack rig, like the product below) and your tube amp.
Lastly, most players who are looking for an amplified sound when playing rack, they'll experiment with different mics and rigs. Look at Dave Earl's and this new product