Playing in "Position"
Hi David,
I´ve just joined here about two month ago and really had plenty of fun and some progress as well since.But currently I feel as I might have missed some amount of information which appears as important to me.What in detail please is meant for example with playing a Harmonica in "2nd Position" ?I have search through all the PDF´s I´ve downloaded from the site, but haven´t foundany more detailled explanation of that so far.It could be the case of course that I might still just haven´t found it.Do you perhaps just have a hint where I could continue reading about this "Position" term please?
Thanks a lot for all the good and very pleaseant "common" time since and all the best and continued successto you !
Karsten (from Germany)
Thank you for writing Karsten. The lesson on positions is found in Music Theory Study 2. If you haven't started the music theory studies, you can go through this study 2 now, just to answer some quick questions, but then go back and study 1 and then 2 again for a full understanding (there's some groundwork presented in 1 needed for 2 to fully make sense).