Possible idea for the future.
Hi Dave,
One idea for the future. It would be cool to have a video series someday about how to tab out music the way that you do, then have a spot in the share section or a type of library where students can upload either classic songs that they've tabed out, tributes, or songs that they've created, and be able to comment on/change their submissions. As long as it didn't turn into people arguing over whether "that one spot in a Little Walter song" was a draw pull or blow pull it might be fun. I'm sure that's a ways off. Just an idea.
Also, I've been with the site for a few years now and watched it grow. Just out of curiosity, how many active members (past the 30 day trial) strong are we now?
Thanks for the suggestion Taylor. The transcription lesson is actually on my future to-do list, but I won't be able to do the shared TAB idea. I would have to acquire the print rights for each song and unfortunately the company that owns the majority of the old Chicago stuff has a policy of not licensing tunes. This is why you don't see any commercial transcriptions of my material on them, even though I've done a lot... it's a bummer. The number of subscribers is private information, but I can say that it has grown slowly, but steadily over the years. It's great to see players like yourself stick with it.