Practice focus for level 4 players
Hello David,
Im making my way through level 4 but am beginning to feel a bit unfocused. I try to practice an hour a day but unlike when I was a true beginner there seem to be many more skills to be aware of and to develop. I still need work on technique, breathing, speeding up bends and Im only only at the basics of much theory (chords).
How would you see students at my level allocating time over technique, theory, scales, movement, bends, licks and memorizing vocabulary?
Your continued enthusiasm for this instrument is contageous and I thank you for giving us a credible methodology. I recenly saw your suggestion of Movement Study on Patterns... very challening but I am putting an emphais on this.
Thanks as always
Hello Gary. Make your focus one of the study songs (choose which one) and then record it when you feel good about it. Then move on to the next study song. Make the study song the main focus (30m out of your hour). Then split the half hour left between the other lesson material... solo harmonica study, music theory and improvising... putting a little more focused time on the improvising. Don't focus on memorizing vocabulary right now, that's not as important. Does this help?