private lessons
Fri, 05/27/2016 - 08:57
Greetings David,
I was just wondering. Are all your private lessons of the "in person" variety or do you give lessons over skype?
Best Regards,
Chris Harrison
Sun, 05/29/2016 - 08:04
Yes, you guys do keep me
Yes, you guys do keep me busy! P.S., Ross Garren (LOA-L9 and advanced instructor on the site) offers Skype lessons, email me and I'll be happy to share his info with you.
Good evening Chris. You're correct, all my private lessons are in person. The rest of my time is focused on material/students on this site. If you don't live in the area you might think about coming down for a three-day Harmonica Masterclass Workshop, just an option to think about.