problem on 1 hokle draw
dear Mr Barret
it is about a week that i have subscribed to your great course and i have to say it is amazing and great and i am very thankful to your effort.
today i bought a G harp for solo practice ( LOA 1 ) . it is a Hohner Blues harp.
there is no problem except on 1 hole draw that the sound is not clear it seems that the reeds are crashing the palate . i hear a metal small sound .
but there are times that the 1hole draw is ok. and again the sound appears.
is the problem with my playing ot there may be the problem with reeds and harp.
I'm glad that you're enjoying your studies on the site Mojtaba. Yes, most likely it is your technique (it's not always the case, but usually the case). First off, play softer... if you play too loudly, the reed will actually hit the cover plate. Secondly, play with as large of an embouchure as you can (yawn... drop your jaw and tongue in the back slightly down), this will help stop any unwanted bending or stalling of the reed.