Procession of Notes
Hi David,
When applying the procession of notes, if hole 3 is the focus note but you are also holes 1 and 2, do you always have to start on hole 3, or is it that you can start on hole 1, 2 or 3 so long as hole 3 is in the lick somewhere.
Thankyou, Regards
You're correct, you stay in holes 1-3. The notes of the V7 Chord are D F# A C, so 1+ 1 2' 3" work and the IV7 is C E G Bb, so 1+ 2+ 2 3' work... plenty of notes available to you. Reminder, there are tons of cool V-IV-I licks in Improvising Study 4 that use those lower holes.
Hello Paul. To be a 3 draw focus note you need to start on the 3. A pickup to the 3 also works. If you're starting on holes 1-3 for your first chorus, then 1-4 for the second, 1-5 for the third, etc., then yes, you can start on any note within holes 1-3, as long as it does not move above hole 3.