Progression of notes (Fills)
Hi David, when using the progression of notes for improvising, for example using holes 1 and 2, if we were using the chorus form Af Af At, would the fill notes also have to use holes 1 and 2. Love this style of improvising.
Thank you for your help,
Hello Paul,
For it to be a focus note, you'll usually start on that note. So, if it's a 3 draw, you'll start with that 3 draw, commonly holding it for a couple of beats or longer (if not, the 3 draw comes back often within the lick) and then you're off to other notes.
You can play a pickup to the 3 draw as well... such as 1 2+ 3+ before the bar and then 3 draw on the downbeat of the bar.
In whichever manner your 3 draw is presented, if you were to ask someone listening to hum which note seems to be the thematic note, they should hum that there draw.
Hello Paul. No, just stay in the range of holes 1 through 3, you can use any combination of notes you want.
I'm not sure if I'm following what you're asking Paul, but I will try to answer your question...
When not using a focus note, and you are staying within holes 1 through 3, then play anything you want in that range, no restrictions. You'll just want to be sparse in your playing, since it will be easy to overplay the same notes
"In comparison, when using a focus note, then you would start on the note you are focusing on" this is correct. Again, you can play a pickup to that focus note.
Did I answer your question Paul?
You are correct, keep your fills in the same range as the progression of notes.