question of technique
Mon, 01/02/2017 - 04:35
before I saw this site I used to use "lips corrugation technique" (don't know its name, I'm not English) and after I tried whit tongue blocking. Now it's easier for me use the first technique, even if the second one is cleaner (but slower for me for take notes). should I restart with tongue blocking? I'm not a musician anche I wanna learn to play armonica in blues-rock and rock songs. what if I continue with my tecnique? and how can I gain more breath to play and exercite for more time?
Hello salvo58. I recommend you use tongue blocking as your primary embouchure for the simple reason that you have more choices to you as you play and as you advance you'll have less roadblocks. Your breath control will get better as you spend more time on the harmonica. I also have tips along that way for breathing as you advance through the lessons. Best wishes on your studies salvo58.