Recording software
Hi David
I have been watching your recording software video 1.
I am a bit hazy on digital stuff. Am I correct in concluding that this type of software replaces my Sony PCM-M10? I don't have an iOS device so can not get garage band but I do have Audacity. I believe these are are comparable. At present I just record onto my Sony and play it back. I suppose this is a bit pre-historic. At present I just record to see if I sound anything like it should do it relation to your recordings. If I ever get the courage to submit a study song to you I am guesing that you would prefer to recieve the study song recorded with recrding software. I can see the advantage of multi-tracking and being able to cut and paste to get a good recording. I never seem get through a whole song without some sort of goof.
I asked this question on the general forum but did not get a reply. I have the Hal Leonard Harmonica Play a long book. On the "help me" track there is a ghost note/dip which according to their notation is a 1.5 note draw bend on the fifth hole. Can you suggest what this notation might indicate?
Morning bordercollie. Your Sony PCM-M10 will do a great job recording for your submissions, I recommend you use that. Your Sony will act just like my phone in the video. Experiment on where to place the recorder relative to you and the speakers and I think you'll be surprised at the great quality.
1.5 on the 5 draw... no, I don't know what that would be indicating. The 5 draw can bend, but slightly less than a half step. I would assume that just means to bend that 5 draw.
I look forward to your submissions.