Request for a harmonica cover of a song's electric guitar solo
Hello David,
I know this is not the right forum to ask this, but since this is where you will check more often I thought I'd ask here. Sorry if this is violating rules.
I love the electric guitar solo on the following song, it's short yet powerful and full of feelings for me. I am really interested in hearing a faithful harmonica cover of it, and being a Level 2 guy, I am far away from being able to play such solos. (I have not took part in the test program so my rating is not official, I have difficulties paying due to financial restrictions and stuff...).
So kindly can you do a cover of this part? it starts at about 3 minute.
Thanks in advance. :)
Hello Meghdad.
The song is in the Key of B, so trying your A Harmonica in 3rd Position is a good option, as well as an E Harmonica in 2nd Position. Spend time with both to see which one works better.
In regards to how faithful a harmonica cover of such solo can be, you won't know until you try. You may find that some notes are not available, or if they are, they may not be in the octave that you need them. Then again, the solo may sit well in one of those positions with not much missing. Again, you won't know until you take the time to work it out. Using a program like the Amazing Slow Downer to loop and slow down the music is highly beneficial.
Dynamics in the solos?... yes, I think so. Your main challenge is if all of the notes are available on the harmonica.
Hello Meghdad. Listening to an instrument and figuring out what they're playing is called transcribing. This is a lengthy process and is something people charge for, and goes beyond what I offer on the website. I don't offer transcription services, but I do know of people that do (for a fee). If you're interested, send me an email and I'll put you into contact with them.
I can help put you on the right track if you're interested in figuring it out on your own. Have you figured out what key the song is in and which harmonica you would use?