Rhythm roadblock
Hi David,
Whenever I set my MT-60 to stay in rhythm for each measure, I'm unable to watch for the light and
keep my place on the sheet music. Somehow, I just don't get it. If it is something I've memorized, then
I'm really in trouble. I always hope that I finish at the same time as the jam track. I know the value of the
notes on this sheet music. (Take It Easy Now)
I play aiong with you okay, but by myself with the jam track, I'm a mess. Either a few measures short when the
jam track is still going, or I'm still going when the jam track has stopped.
It is too hard for me to count the 4 beats in each measure and play the song at the same time.
I really hope my road-block question doesn't embarrass me forever.
thank you for reading all this..
Hello Patsy. Rhythm challenges are very common, so don't feel alone... it's what I spend most of a student's lesson time on. Here are some tips for you...
1) Rhythm training lessons are very common... I spent two years myself doing them. Check your local music stores for an instructor that can work with you one-on-one. Bring your MP3's and sheet music printout and they can help you dial in the areas that need help. If you work with a jazz piano or guitar instructor you have the added bonus of working with someone that can also back you as you play your song (more fun than just a jam track!).
2) Record yourself playing to the jam track, just one chorus at a time at first. Listen back, following along with your sheet music and make notes where you get out of time. Work on those areas. You're welcome to send me each recording as you make them so that I can help you.
3) Your MT60 has a red light with a higher click for beat one (if you set the leftmost control to "4"). Grab a highlighter and highlight what you play on beat one of each bar/measure. Your goal is to be on those notes when you hear the higher-pitched click. You'll find this way of playing with a metronome most helpful at first... if you can stay in time from measure to measure, then you're taking a large leap towards being able to play the entire song in time.
Seriously think about taking music lessons, your instructor can help immensely... rhythm training is best done with someone with you... distance learning just doesn't really get the job done in this regards.
Report back, let me know how these tips are working for you.