Ryan Improvising
Thu, 11/27/2014 - 06:51
There are a number of videos in Ryan's list that clearly indicate they're associated with Improvising Study 2 or 3. There are also a number that just say Improvising. Some of the titles seem a bit outside of Improvsing Study 1 or at least seem to indicate the material is a bit different. Would it be reasonable to continue on through these Improvising videos at the LOA 4 level? Thanks!
Yes, keep rolling through the videos that relate to improvising... it's a large subject and if your time permits, it's nice to hear about it in his lessons, whether you're there yet in your studies or not. If you felt so inclined... e.i., you have the time and really like the study of improvising... you could do all of the Improvising lessons right now, there wouldn't be a problem with it... the only challenge being some of the licks in the V-IV-I, Turnarounds and Endings are pretty tough, but I make sure to put licks in there for all skill level players. If only we had ten hours a day to devote to study! Have a great Thanksgiving!