Session Steel vs hohner
In terms of playability which hohner could you compare to a session steel? Without the price factor and durability. Just think about side by side equivalents playability and sound. Thanks
A quick Internet search comes up with these comparisons that my prove useful:
"Which Harmonica to Buy? The Best & Worst Harmonicas"
"Seydel Session Steel vs Hohner Marine Band"
"Harmonica Shootout! Hohner vs Suzuki vs Seydel"
Just buy it. You will eventually do it anyway.
I see nobody is answering your question lol.
IMO the session steel ( is like a hohner special 20 ( both have a plastic comb with recesses inwards where the reed plate is located and away from your lips (this is the major difference).
the seydel 1847 ( is a lot like a marine band ( didn't find a cut out but trust me here, reedplates bolted to a comb like the 1847 ) in the sense that they are both sandwich type harps as in the reedplates protrude from the comb and together with the comb form the holes. Here your lips will touch the reedplates as it's effectively part of the design. ( these harps can sometimes pull beard hairs )
So to answer your question, the special 20 from hohner is like the session standard from seydel minus brand tech/choice and the session steel will be like the rocket (special 20 2.1) in the same way the corolla is to the civic and the accord to the camry. Worth noting the standard and steel lines have a major difference (steel vs brass reeds) whilst hohner always use brass reeds ( their secret sauce) and the improvements are more along the lines of the body and comb.
Both brands are great so don't be afraid of trying harps from either.
None. Hohner does not use stainless steel reeds. Both are good.